How to turn a negative relationship positive?  Skills for a healthy romantic relationship

We may be aware of what a healthy relationship entails, but the majority of us are not taught how to find one.

Learning the skills that make up romantic competence—insight, mutuality, and emotional control—can be done at any age. According to psychologists and researchers, all of your relationships will improve when you have these qualities.

Couples therapy and prenuptial counseling are two ways to learn about healthy relationships, either when a marriage is in trouble or even before it starts. Premarital counselling can be too late because people have already decided who they want to spend the rest of their lives with. What if they made a poor choice? No amount of premarital counseling can compensate for poor spouse selection.

The ability to act adaptively across all areas or components of the relationship process, such as "figuring out what you need, finding the right person, developing a good connection, and getting out of harmful relationships," is what she refers to as romantic competency. Insight, mutuality, and emotion management are the three fundamental abilities that underlie romantic competency. We believe these skills can truly help people with all the various relationship processes and with all different people—whether they're in a relationship or not—because they symbolize commonality.

If you want a deeper dive, keep reading on and learn more about the skills required for a healthy romantic relationship.


It can be difficult to change if you don't know where behavior originates. Understanding your own emotions and those of others, as well as the capacity to understand their causes, are all parts of insight. It makes clear to you that your poor day at work is the underlying reason you're snapping at your partner rather than them being annoying. It also aids in identifying trends that can strengthen or weaken a bond between two people. With insight, you'll be able to foresee the favorable and unfavorable effects of your behavior.


It ought to be obvious that each partner in a relationship has equal value and needs, but in practice, it's all too common for people to become mired in their own narrow viewpoints. Therefore, mutuality is necessary for a partnership to succeed. Mutuality allows you to factor in both people's needs while making decisions about your relationship. Understanding your partner's habit of going to the gym at 5 a.m. when you'd rather cuddle in bed or talking about how accepting that new, fantastic job offer would affect not only your profession but also your relationship with your partner and interpersonal dynamics are examples of this.

Emotion regulation:

You're only two-thirds of the way to a successful relationship if you are aware of and care about what each other needs. The last step of the trip is being able to offer each other what you need while maintaining emotional control. Emotional control is the ability to control your feelings in response to events that occur in your relationship. If you practice emotion regulation, you'll be able to maintain emotional control and keep events in your relationship in perspective.

According to contemporary psychology, if you master all three of these abilities, you'll be well on your way to finding enduring love.